5 minEasy
Our recipes
We've put together a selection of healthy and tasty recipes made with fresh, natural ingredients. Whether you're a passionate vegetarian or simply looking for healthier alternatives to your favorite dishes, we have a variety of recipes to satisfy your palate while respecting your body. So grab your apron and dive into our selection of healthy recipes to discover new flavors and start your culinary journey.
Gluten-free puffed grain biscuits Sweet potato toasts 15 minMediumPeanut butter protein tofu bowl 10 minEasyProtein yogurt bowl with hazelnuts and granola 10 minEasyLow glycemic index protein smoothie 5 minEasyLow glycemic chocolate croissant, dairy-free and gluten-free 5 minEasyChocolate and apple protein cake 10 minEasyProtein mug cake 10 minEasyBreakfast cookie 10 minEasyCrispy chickpeas with miso 10 minEasyGluten-free protein pizza 10 minEasySteamed seasonal vegetables with homemade curry, soybean sprouts, and sprouted brown rice. 15 minEasyProtein chocolate chip muffins 20 minEasyRoasted chickpeas with maca and paprika 10 minEasyVegan Christmas terrine with mushrooms and smoked tofu Carrot rillettes & fresh vegan cheese Faux gras with cashew nuts Baked figs and vegan cheese Kale salad with sweet potato, apple and walnuts Gim Tonic Gluten free bread with psyllium Paleo and gluten free sweet potato brownie Gluten-free pancakes, topping: maple syrup and fruit Tofu caramélisé Salade de pois chiches, avocat, asperge et patates douces Brownies vegan Boulettes vegan cuites au four aux haricots rouges et lentilles Chia Pudding aux fruits de saison Aubergines au Miso Blanc DIY : Faire son propre gel désinfectant Tarte à la tomate et aux noix de cajou Tacos vegan au fruit du jacquier