Brauzz offers eco-friendly and cost-effective cleaning products. With its concentrated refills, the brand reduces plastic waste and helps you save money while protecting the environment. Perfect for those looking for a sustainable alternative for home cleaning.
Brauzz specializes in eco-friendly and practical cleaning products. The company offers innovative solutions to reduce the environmental impact of household products through concentrated refills. These products help decrease plastic waste while ensuring optimal effectiveness.
The brand offers multi-surface cleaning products, glass, bathroom, and kitchen cleaners. These products are available as refills, allowing you to dilute them with water for daily use. This reduces plastic waste and allows you to reuse bottles indefinitely.
By choosing Brauzz, you opt for products that are both cost-effective and eco-friendly. The concentrated refills are 40 to 100 times smaller than traditional bottles, saving both space and money. Additionally, these products contain only the essentials, without added water, reducing the carbon footprint from transportation.
Simply fill a bottle with water, add a refill, let it dissolve, and clean. Once the refill is dissolved, you can continue to use it as many times as needed, without requiring new plastic packaging.
Yes, Brauzz prioritizes reducing the environmental impact of its products. By offering concentrated refills, the brand avoids the unnecessary transport of water, reducing CO2 emissions. Furthermore, the bottles are reusable, and the brand uses naturally sourced ingredients in the manufacturing of its products.
A subscription ensures regular deliveries of refills, providing continuous supply without waste. It also allows you to enjoy discounted rates, making eco-friendly products even more accessible.