Discover Arista Ayurveda and the benefits of the tongue scraper, an ancestral oral health tool.
-Optimal oral hygiene: the Arista tongue scraper eliminates toxins accumulated on the tongue, thus promoting fresh breath and better oral health.
-A natural experience: Made from high-quality copper, the Arista tongue scraper provides a pleasant, long-lasting feel when used.
-A holistic approach: Arista Ayurveda is inspired by the ancient principles of Ayurveda to promote balance and overall well-being, in tune with your body and mind.
Arista Ayurveda draws its inspiration from the Ayurvedic medicine widely used in India and Nepal. Arista in Sanskrit means "complete" or "safe" while Ayurveda means "knowledge of life/longevity" ("Ayur" translates to "life" or "longevity" and "veda" to "knowledge"). The goal is to take care of oneself in the broadest sense (body and mind) through a routine of care. Yoga, meditation, and massage are some of these Ayurvedic principles, for example. Therefore, we offer a copper tongue scraper that fits into this objective of a daily oral hygiene routine. Copper brings its antibacterial properties to a morning ritual object. A collection of shampoos with Ayurvedic ingredients will soon be launched to take care of hair. The wish of Arista Ayurveda is to be alongside people who are willing to take care of themselves by offering natural products that contribute to their daily well-being. Through these daily rituals, the individual aspires to reconnect with oneself and to be "complete".