Les 3 chouettesBeetroot Mezzé Sesame Lemon & Cumin Organic 100g-25%3.94€Notify me5.25€52.50 €/Kg3.94€-25%52.50 €/Kg
Buddy buddyCrunchy Chocolate Peanut Butter Organic 260g-15%8.42€Notify me9.90€38.08 €/Kg8.42€-15%38.08 €/Kg
KazidomiX6 Pack Passion Fruit Kombucha Lemon Organic Organic 330ml-25%13.60€Notify me18.13€54.94 €/L13.60€-25%54.94 €/L
Krazy priceNatracareTanga Pantyliner Organic 30 Units-15%2.63€Notify me3.09€0.10 €/u2.63€-15%0.10 €/u
NewKazidomiAmber Mayple Syrup (grade A) Organic Organic 1L-35%23.40€Notify me36.00€36.00 €/L23.40€-35%36.00 €/L
Terra eticaSoft Coffee Ground Latin America Organic 250g-20%5.10€Notify me6.37€25.48 €/Kg5.10€-20%25.48 €/Kg
TerrasanaWhole Wheat Rice Ramen Noodles Organic 280g-15%6.15€Notify me7.23€25.82 €/Kg6.15€-15%25.82 €/Kg
Tony's chocolonelyDark Chocolate Almond Sea Salt 180g-15%3.87€Notify me4.55€25.28 €/Kg3.87€-15%25.28 €/Kg
KazidomiFairtrade Strong Coffee Ground Latin America & Tanzania Organic 250g-25%4.13€Notify me5.50€22.00 €/Kg4.13€-25%22.00 €/Kg
La canopéePlumping Active Concentrated Cream Organic 50ml-20%31.51€Notify me39.39€787.80 €/L31.51€-20%787.80 €/L
TherasciencePhysomance Cod Liver Oil 90 capsulesSee the member priceNotify me18.80€0.21 €/uSee the member price0.21 €/u
Krazy priceCookTurmeric Powder Refill Organic 35g-20%1.63€Notify me2.04€58.29 €/Kg1.63€-20%58.29 €/Kg
La canopéeOxygenating Night Cream Organic 50ml-20%29.11€Notify me36.39€727.80 €/L29.11€-20%727.80 €/L
KazidomiSour Cherry Mint Kombucha Pack Organic 6 x 330ml-25%13.60€Notify me18.13€9.16 €/L13.60€-25%9.16 €/L
NatracareSuper Tampon Without Applicator Organic 20 Units-15%4.24€Notify me4.99€0.25 €/u4.24€-15%0.25 €/u
BabybioGoat Milk Pear Vanilla Brij +6 Months Organic 4 x 85g-10%6.39€Notify me7.10€20.88 €/Kg6.39€-10%20.88 €/Kg
Holy shotDetox Shot Ginger Turmeric Pineapple Organic 60ml-15%1.53€Notify me1.80€30.00 €/L1.53€-15%30.00 €/L
Krazy priceKazidomiLavender Essential Oil Organic 10ml-25%5.59€Notify me7.45€745.00 €/L5.59€-25%745.00 €/L
La canopéePurifying Essential Synergy Serum Organic 15ml-20%23.43€Notify me29.29€1952.67 €/L23.43€-20%1952.67 €/L
Les 3 chouettesSweet Potato Mezzé Espelette Pepper Organic 100g-25%3.94€Notify me5.25€52.50 €/Kg3.94€-25%52.50 €/Kg