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The right habits to adopt this winter to maintain a healthy home environment

Published on 12/12/2024
The right habits to adopt this winter to maintain a healthy home environment

Every day, we are exposed to multiple pollutants present in our indoor air, including particles, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mold, or even dust mites.

These pollutants are not without impact on our health, which is why it is essential to care for your home, especially in winter, when it’s easier to stay cooped up inside.

In this article, discover our 5 tips for maintaining a healthy home environment.

Indoor Air in Numbers

Did you know that:

  • We spend approximately 90% of our time in closed spaces.
  • Indoor air is up to 8 times more polluted than outdoor air.
  • Our children inhale about twice as many pollutants as adults.

When you become aware of these figures and the impact of various pollutants on health, you realize how important it is to act.

But Where Do These Indoor Pollutants Come From?

These toxic substances come from various sources:

  • Materials used in the home/apartment: paints, adhesives, varnishes, furniture, etc.
  • Everyday human activities: cooking, tobacco, cleaning products, etc.
  • And, of course, outdoor air: exhaust gases, fine particles, industrial or agricultural activities, etc.

Our 5 Tips for a Healthier Home

1. Ventilate Daily, Even in Winter

Confined spaces increase the risk of bacterial growth, mold, and fungi. Even during winter, it is essential to renew the air and eliminate the concentration of suspended particles polluting your home. Try setting a timer to ventilate for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening.

2. Pay Attention to Dust

Dust tends to accumulate more in winter since windows remain closed. Use a damp sponge or a microfiber cloth to avoid stirring up dust. Also, remember to vacuum the sofas, armchairs, as well as furniture and floors.

3. Take Off Shoes When Entering

While this habit is common in Asian countries such as Korea, it is less so in Europe. However, shoes are traps for microbes and toxic substances. Removing them will also help keep your floors cleaner for longer. Be sure to also wipe your pets' paws with a damp cloth.

4. Go Vintage with Your Décor

New furniture is often coated with chemical substances and flame retardants that act as real endocrine disruptors. Don’t hesitate to decorate your home with second-hand pieces, or, if you can, allow new furniture to air out in a ventilated area before placing it in your living room.

5. Invest in Healthier Cleaning Products

According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Bergen in Norway, daily cleaning can negatively impact our respiratory system. This is hardly surprising when you examine the composition of household products. Indoor air can contain over 900 chemical substances!

Molecules released into the air, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), spread into our lungs and can cause respiratory problems, or irritate the eyes, throat, and nose. Ammonia, found in many household products, is also very harsh and can cause severe irritation to the respiratory system.

While it’s not always possible to replace paints, furniture, or stop cooking, we can certainly pay more attention to the cleaning products we use. Fortunately, at Kazidomi, we’ve done the work for you! Our blacklist includes: acids (hydrochloric, oxalic, sulfamic...), butoxyethanol, sodium hydroxide, EDTA, and more. The list is long but justified.

We feature many brands with safe compositions, both for home care and your health, such as Frosch.

Frosch has had its products certified by the independent label Air Label Score, which provides consumers with the best information available on product emissions into indoor air. This international certification is based on strict standards established by external bodies. Thanks to this, consumers can choose products that release the least amount of substances into indoor air. The A+ result guarantees very low emissions.

When you purchase products like the aloe vera fabric softener, the raspberry anti-lime spray, or the vinegar WC cleaner, you’re ensuring that you care for your health while maintaining your home.

It is worth noting that Air Label Score is completely independent to avoid any conflict of interest.

KazidomiWho are we? Who are we?

Kazidomi is an online supermarket for healthy and sustainable products that is up to 50% off through an annual membership system.


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