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Discover our 5 pillars of health

  • At Kazidomi, we cultivate a healthy lifestyle

    At Kazidomi, we cultivate a healthy lifestyle

    we are convinced that a healthy life can only take place through the care of different angles of life and that it revolves around 5 key pillars. Today we are proud to present them to you :

1- Pleasure and healthy food

1- Pleasure and healthy food

This is our number 1 pillar because food has the power to influence the other 4 pillars. Indeed, food impacts our energy levels, our mental well-being, our sleep, our physical fitness ; it is able to support the body in its regeneration activities or, on the contrary, to overload it and increase the risk of disease.
And for all that, it can take care of us while being greedy, and that's what we strive to show you every day with Kazidomi!

Concretely, what can we do on a daily basis?

-Adopt a diet that aims to consume 85% plant products and does not exceed 15% animal products. These are the recommendations of Anthony Fardet, doctor of science, researcher in preventive and holistic nutrition
-Invite variety on your plate by aiming for at least 20 foods of plant origin per week: vegetables, fruits, oilseeds, cereals, legumes, extra-virgin oils, spices, etc.
-Reduce your consumption of ultra-processed products and do not exceed the threshold of 2 per day : soda, chocolate mousse, breakfast cereals, etc.

2-Quality sleep

2-Quality sleep

Often set aside in our fast-paced lifestyles, sleep is one of the fundamental pillars of health.
Modern science has highlighted the impact of sleep disorders on cascading reductions: reduced alertness, attention, concentration, memory, learning, motivation, creativity, and productivity. It is obvious that general well-being is inseparable from the quality of sleep, yet it is too often neglected.

Concretely, what can we do on a daily basis?

-Aim for at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night
-Get up at a fixed time in the morning and follow a regular sleep pattern
-Expose yourself to outside light during the day to harmonize your day-night rhythm

3- Movement again and again

3- Movement again and again

Man has always been on the move. We were designed to move. Physical activity impacts much more than the aesthetic aspect : it guarantees the good physiological functioning of our muscles, our skeleton, the health of our lymphatic and cardio- vascular, and even our digestion and our mood.
In a sedentary society, let's not forget the importance of movement, which does not have to be a difficult sport. Life is a movement on its own!

Concretely, what can we do on a daily basis?

-Practice moderate physical activity (slight shortness of breath) for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week: walking, cycling, going up/down stairs, etc.
-Practice intense physical activity (with muscle fatigue) for at least 20 minutes, 3 times a week: jogging, tennis, swimming, indoor sports, etc.
-Get up every hour and be active for 2 minutes, in any way

4- A daily life without toxins

4- A daily life without toxins

The body is a formidable machine ready to do anything to keep us healthy, but the repeated presence of toxic molecules in the food, cosmetics and household products to which we are exposed every day weakens the little one little by little.
At Kazidomi, we advocate a return to simplified and/or more natural formulations, without controversial additives, pesticides or endocrine disruptors. It is with this in mind that we have armed ourselves with a collective of health experts to establish a selection charter that excludes these harmful ingredients.

Concretely, what can we do on a daily basis?

-Favor organic formulations as much as possible
-Promote short ingredient lists, with less than 5 ingredients
-Opt for household products with guaranteed safe and/or more natural compositions

5-A healthy body deserves a healthy mind

5-A healthy body deserves a healthy mind

Finally, our last pillar promotes psycho-emotional balance. Every thought and emotion translates into a set of physiological effects on the body, which can affect our overall health.
Thus, we are convinced that all the smoothies in the world will never be enough to maintain a person's health if they are constantly stressed. The impact of stress on the body can indeed be much greater than one might think, accelerating the aging of the immune system, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and depression.
Just as the body works in balance, our mind must be balanced to allow us to live in peace.

Concretely, what can we do on a daily basis?

-Get fresh air at least once a day
-Treat yourself to a relaxing activity that is a source of pleasure every day
-Practice writing down 5 events that brought joy during the day
-Be kind to yourself and control “self-sabotage”
-Practice 5 minutes of breathing and/or meditation a day